Saturday, 24 May 2014

On the 4th of May I done a blog post about high levels and how many movies they've watched. Well it's been 3 weeks and 3 days let's see how many movies they've watched now. 


So in 3 weeks and 3 days Ishacool has watched 30 movies. It's ok...I guess especially seeing as she probably has the most laggiest account on UK MSP. 


27 movies......that's still pretty bad...


215 movies in 3 weeks and 3 days is a definite improvement. Much more better than Roxy and Isha's.


Vintage has watched 42 movies ok so maybe Ishacool does actually watch movies on her backup. A mistake I made with vinatge is I never noticed the 1. I thought vintage watched 775 movies but she actually watched 1775 movies. Which is really impressive for a backup.


Made the same mistake with Alishak as I did with Vintage. Alisha's watched 14906 movies I thought she watched 4906 movies. That is amazing to be honest. In 3 weeks Alishak has watched 770 movies :O She definitely watches movies she's in then. That is so impressive. 


If I was you I would think 3 times before helping Fran any more. 


Chuck has watched 3 movies. -_- That's just as amazing as Fran's. 


Hollyrenee has watched 171 movies not bad but compared to Alishaks.......I still think Hollyrenee should be 5th instead of Fran and my observation has just strengthened my belief.


Princess has watched 391 which is really good. 


Adept has watched 771 which is just as impressive as Alishak.

So long story short movies stars you should help:

(notice how there's more angelings than heroes).

This is my last blog post. I have to go hospital tomorrow so scared!!! I can't mention my account because I'm selling it and the person I'm selling it to will fake being me and pretend to have cancer for fame -_- Pathetic I know.

Thanks for so many blog posts as well!!

Shout out to

amisha233- She's so funny and she has to take the mick out of at least 5 people for it to be a good day. 

Mackella8- She's seriously weird she says like the dumbest things at really serious time. 

Ryan19283746- He's like the nerd of us all. If we ever think about doing something stupid he always has to stop us and make us think about the consequences.  He's the reason why I'm not locked out of MSP forever though. 

MayahCampbell- This girl added me a week ago and I swear she is almost EXACTLY like me I have no words to describe how awesome she is. 

These are the only people on MSP I bothered to get to know. And these are the people I will keep in touch with even when I'm in hospital. 
They're basically the reason why I'm not freaking out about having cancer or the possibility of dying!!!

 Bye forever people not coming back to MSP because yesterday I found out I won't make it to 2015.........♥


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