Sunday, 18 May 2014


Roxy is an attention seeker AND a terrible liar.

She "claims" she got hacked. Lies.

You can't get hacked on MSP. You can only get hacked by 
Giving your pass away
or giving your pass away
or....guess what?
oh and sharing your account but to do that you need to give your pass away (seeing a pattern anyone?)

Then there was this huge fight between Candired and Roxy. No seriously it was intense. I mean I've had to get rid of certain words because it was just....... rude

(I was being sarcastic to those that don't understand)

I think that Roxy and Candired should have an argument where they can swear at each other, tell each other what problems they have, just let it all out AND no one can but in or take sides. This is between them 2 and you CAN'T judge them on what they say becuase they both have their owns rights to say what they think about each other.AND they can't post the argument on their blog or anything and show people. And MAYBE then the fighting might stop if they let all their feelings out. I would recommend Hotmail or Facebook or whatever you both have and PRIVATELY message each other. 

I love how Roxy  get caught out doing stuff but someone (Candired) ends up catching her out.

I don't actually need to say much becuase everything's on Candired's blog.

There is a possibility this is photo shopped. 

This can't be photo shopped. Unless Roxy wants to zoom in and show us how it's fake and then get proved wrong AGAIN by Candired? 

I actually felt sorry for Candired ( OMG I'm going through so many emotions it's actually quite disturbing) because it seems like Roxy just wants to take everything close to her.

Roxy can be a real cow when she wants. I checked the VIP thing
and there isn't a £32 Elite VIP package. So am I missing something? 

There is not £32 pounds package.

You do know if there's one thing that will make everyone find out about the bribe thing is making an artbook. That's how I found out. 

Roxy is your ass jealous of all the shit coming out your mouth?

If you have enough starcoins and diamonds to last you for years then proves it. Show us a picture on your blog.
BUT it has to be your full profile like how this girl done it.

The red marks are so you don't find out who it is. 
This isn't my account this is an picture from a blog that I used to go on everyday because I though it was good the person stopped posting though.

Any ways Roxy post an Image on your blog like this THEN we'll see if you "have enough starcoins and diamonds to last you for years"

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